2020 Finer Womanhood Events

During the last full week in February and the month of March, we celebrate Finer Womanhood Week and Month, in honor of one of the Sorority's distinguishing principles.

Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter will celebrate Finer Womanhood with the following events. Visiting Sorors, please reach out to aphiz.membership@gmail.com to RSVP.
February 23, 2020
Chapter Worship Service, 10:30am, St. Paul's Baptist Church (4247 Creighton Road, Eastern Henrico, VA)
There is breakfast served at St. Paul's before the start of service. There will be designated seating for the chapter and we will meet after the service for a group picture.
February 25, 2020
Graduate/Undergraduate Social, 6:20pm, Nutty Buttery (701 W. Clay Street, Richmond)
There will be a raffle for March of Dimes for $1 per raffle ticket and breakfast tickets will be sold at this event.
February 27, 2020
Alpha Phi Zeta's 78th Anniversary, 6-10pm, Delta Hotel by Marriott (555 E. Canal Street, Richmond)
There will be a raffle for March of Dimes for $1 per raffle ticket and breakfast tickets will be sold at this event.
February 29, 2020
Women's History Month Symposium with Evergreen Cemetery Restoration Project, 10am-12pm, Maggie L. Walker House (600 N. 2nd Street, Richmond)
There will be a presentation from EnRichmond that will include Maggie L. Walker and Antoinette Bowler Davis in the discussion. The chapter will be serving as hostesses at this event.
March 3, 2020
Blue and White Family Social - Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day, 5-9pm, Tang and Biscuit (3406 W. Moore Street, Richmond)
Blue and white attire with a splash of pink. This is a kid-friendly event so feel free to bring your children to play the games. There will be a raffle for March of Dimes for $1 per ticket and breakfast tickets will be sold at this event.
March 14, 2020
Chapter Meeting and Renewal of Pledge, 12pm, VCU Center for Teacher Learning (3600 West Broad Street, 3rd floor, Richmond)
Zeta business casual attire. There will not be anyone at the door after 12:15 pm to admit you. Parking is available, please enter from the rear of the building and do not park in the covered parking area that is reserved for residents. You may park in any of the other parking areas. Handicap parking is available; be sure you hang your placard on your rear view mirror. Campus is also accessible by GRTC transit.
Postponed to May 30, 2020
Centennial Finer Womanhood Breakfast, 10:30am, Delta Hotel by Marriott (555 E. Canal Street, Richmond)